مواضيع مهمة ستفيدك كثيرا

12 صورة صادمة لفتيات اشترين فساتين على الأنترنت لكن المنتوج الذي وصلهن لم يكن هو نفسه ما رأوه على الصورة…‎

12 صورة صادمة لفتيات اشترين فساتين على الأنترنت لكن المنتوج الذي وصلهن لم يكن هو نفسه ما رأوه على الصورة…
2. This discount prom dress fits like a glove. Actually, more like a raggedy old mitten that's been terribly stretched.
9. Which one is the model?!
3. This customer wasn't satisfied with her eBay purchase from China but I can't see a difference.

4. Don't sweat it, lady—Kim has a lot of help from Photoshop.

5.the bright side she could wear it as a 1920s ghost bride costume.
6. It didn't look quite so Lord of the Rings on the model.
7. Say what you will about the fit and that side-cut, but that color is really working for her!
8. These naughty latex leggings will get things heated up if your partner is turned on by plastic bags.
10. This wedding dress looks more like an ice queen costume. The sleeves also didn't look quite so opaque in the ad.

12 صورة صادمة لفتيات اشترين فساتين على الأنترنت لكن المنتوج الذي وصلهن لم يكن هو نفسه ما رأوه على الصورة…
2. This discount prom dress fits like a glove. Actually, more like a raggedy old mitten that's been terribly stretched.
9. Which one is the model?!
3. This customer wasn't satisfied with her eBay purchase from China but I can't see a difference.

4. Don't sweat it, lady—Kim has a lot of help from Photoshop.

5.the bright side she could wear it as a 1920s ghost bride costume.
6. It didn't look quite so Lord of the Rings on the model.
7. Say what you will about the fit and that side-cut, but that color is really working for her!
8. These naughty latex leggings will get things heated up if your partner is turned on by plastic bags.
10. This wedding dress looks more like an ice queen costume. The sleeves also didn't look quite so opaque in the ad.

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